Open Call for Submissions

Literacy in Composition Studies ( invites feature-length articles, book reviews, symposia essays, and multimodal submissions for upcoming general issues of the journal. Prospective authors can find helpful submission checklists and more information about the journal on our Submissions page  and our “about” section here. (LiCS) is a refereed, open-access, online journal that sponsors activity at the nexus of literacy and composition studies. We particularly seek submissions that draw from the broadest range of traditions possible to promote equity and justice within our disciplines, classrooms, and communities.


Issues and articles over the last eleven years of our history have considered how multiple groups of people seize power and agency through literacy practices and examined the ways in which literacy acts on and/or constitutes the writer, even as the writer seeks to act on or with others. Work in our pages often includes, though is not limited to, scholarship that: 

  • examines the literacy practices, processes, and histories of marginalized and underrepresented communities.

  • adds new or challenges existing knowledge to literacy’s history.

  • analyzes the processes and power relations whereby literacies are valued or circulated.

  • investigates the ways in which social, political, economic, linguistic, historical, and technological transformations produce, eliminate, or mediate literacy opportunities.

  • analyzes how literacy practices construct student, community, and other identities.

  • provides provisional frameworks for theorizing literacy activities.

  • examines the literacies sponsored through college writing courses and curricula, including the range of literate activities, practices, and pedagogies that shape and inform, enable and constrain writing.

  • considers the implications of institutional, state, or national policies on literacy learning and teaching, including the articulation of high schools and higher education.

  • proposes or creates opportunities for new interactions between literacy and Composition studies, especially those drawing on transnational, multilingual, and cross-cultural literacy research.

We publish long-form scholarly articles as well as short-form pieces, including book reviews, interviews, symposium essays, and work in new and emerging genres. Submissions should offer fresh insights and contribute to the ongoing discourse in our disciplines, aiming to promote equity and justice in educational contexts and beyond.

We look forward to your submissions and to the impactful discussions they will inspire within the literacy and composition studies community. Submissions are rolling; however the following deadlines may be useful:

  • For consideration for the Fall 2024 issue, please submit by June 1, 2024.
  • For consideration for the Spring 2025 issue, please submit by Sept 1, 2024.
Our editorial team is always available for inquiries or a mentoring check-in. Please reach out to or submit your work via the links above. We look forward to reading your research!