Proyecto Carrito - When the Student Receives an 'A' and the Worker Gets Fired: Disrupting the Unequal Political Economy of Translingual Rhetorical Mobility


  • Tamera Marko Emerson College
  • Mario Ernesto Osorio Emerson College
  • Eric Sepenoski Emerson College
  • Ryan Catalani Emerson College



Article for LiCS special issue The New Activism: Composition, Literacy Studies, and Politics.

Author Biographies

Tamera Marko, Emerson College

Tamera Marko, is Senior Lecturer at Emerson College. She specializes in multi-lingual, multi-media community literacy projects in the Americas (Spanish, Portuguese, Maya, Quechua, English). She channels her work as a historian of Latin America and her 14 years of teaching writing to combine genres of new media, composition and traditional historical memory to research and publish in "the approach and form called for by each project." She is Founding President of the nonprofit Mobility Movilidad, dedicating to collaborating with story tellers to cross borders with their stories. Principal contact for editorial correspondence.

Mario Ernesto Osorio, Emerson College

Mario Ernest Osorio is originally from El Salvador. He is a founding member of Students for Rhetorical Mobility and Proyecto Carrito, a collective of janitorial workers, students, faculty and administrators at Emerson College.  He has worked as a member of the janitorial staff at Emerson College for more than 15 years. His essay and presentation at the 2013 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Indianapolis launched the first Proyecto Carrito, dedicated to inclusive education for and about immigration in 21st-century K-20 schools in the United States. This inspired the Caravana 50, in which 50 carritos on the same theme will drive across country and cross the San Diego-Tijuana border in 2016.

Eric Sepenoski, Emerson College

Eric Sepenoski is a farmer and poet from Long Island, NY.  He is an instructor in the First-Year Writing Program and co-teacher of the Students for Rhetorical Mobility class at Emerson College, where he earned his M.A. in Poetry. He is also a Writing Specialist at Emmanuel College. Eric will be pursing his PhD in rhetoric and composition at Northeastern University, with a focus on translingual pedagogy and community literacy projects.

Ryan Catalani, Emerson College

Ryan is a senior Film Production major from Kaneohe, Hawaii. Apart from his role as the Global Citizenship Coordinator, Ryan serves as the Editor-in-Chief for Emerson’s campus newspaper, the Berkeley Beacon. He is also the co-founder and chief technology officer at Bookzingo, a startup that works towards changing the way students buy and sell textbooks. He is Founding Managing Director of




How to Cite

Marko, T., Osorio, M. E., Sepenoski, E., & Catalani, R. (2015). Proyecto Carrito - When the Student Receives an ’A’ and the Worker Gets Fired: Disrupting the Unequal Political Economy of Translingual Rhetorical Mobility. Literacy in Composition Studies, 3(1), 21–43.


